Accommodation Process

皇冠博彩's Commitment

皇冠博彩 is committed to ensuring all students have an opportunity to pursue a college education regardless of the presence or absence of a disability.

皇冠博彩 makes reasonable accommodations in providing course, program, and building modification, and/or auxiliary aids and services in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008.

No academically qualified student with a disability will be denied access to or participation in the services, programs, and activities of the College.

Apply for Accommodations

Accommodations and Accessibility Services provides reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services to students with documented disabilities through an interactive process. Eligibility for services is determined on an individualized basis.

Apply for Accommodations

Communicating by Email

If you are new to 皇冠博彩 and not yet enrolled in classes, you should use your personal email to communicate with Accommodations and Accessibility Services. Once the College activates your 皇冠博彩 student email address, the department will only communicate with you through your 皇冠博彩 email address.

Students Applying for Services for the First Time

  1. Review Documentation Guidelines
  2. Complete the application.
    • The application is set to timeout without saving after 50 minutes. You must click “Submit” at the bottom of the page for your application to be received.
    • When signed into the database, click "Accommodations" from the left navigation menu and select "Application".
  3. Submit the application and upload any readily available documentation.
    • The "Documents" tab will only appear after the application is submitted.
    • When signed into the database, click "Accommodations" from the left navigation menu and select "Documents".
  4. A counselor will review the application and follow up within 14 business days to discuss next steps.
  5. Check your email regularly for ongoing communication and contact us if you need help using the database.

Please do not delay applying for services out of concern for not having the appropriate paperwork.

Visiting and Transient Students

It is generally sufficient to submit the most recent letter of accommodations from your home college. Counselors may request additional information at intake as determined necessary to provide accommodations.

  1. Complete the application and upload your most recent letter of accommodations.
  2. A counselor will review the application and follow up within 14 business days to discuss the next steps.
  3. Check your email regularly for ongoing communication and contact us if you need further assistance.

Access Your Accommodations Profile

The database allows students previously approved for accommodations to:

  • View their responsibilities in using accommodations.
  • Schedule an appointment to discuss needs and services.
  • Download an approved Memorandum of Accommodation (MOA).
  • Submit a MOA Renewal Request 24 hours or later after enrolling in a new course.
  • Submit new requests for required services.
Access Profile

Additional Information

Accommodations and Accessibility Services maintains a high level of confidentiality to prevent the disclosure of any student information that is shared during the accommodation process. Disability documentation is maintained on a secure database. It is not shared with other departments within 皇冠博彩 or other entities unless explicitly requested by the student with a disability or as permitted by law. As a Responsible Employee, counselors have a responsibility to disclose information to relevant parties if a student reveals a plan to harm themselves or others. Counselors are also responsible for reporting known incidents of sex-based discrimination or assault.

In the college setting, students have rights and responsibilities and there exists policies and procedures for the purpose of governing college operations. These responsibilities include abiding by the Student Code of Conduct. For more information about College Policies at 皇冠博彩 that may apply to a student with a disability, please view the following links:

Other available resources:

A reasonable modification to a policy, procedure, or practice.

The process of granting a student with a disability an accommodation to provide access to the college environment.

The process of determining if a student with a disability qualifies for accommodations based on disability documentation.

Fundamental alterations
A change that is so significant that it alters the essential nature of a course, program, or service.

Functional limitations
The restriction or lack of the physical, cognitive or psychological ability to independently perform activities of daily living.

The loss or limited use of a body function that can be anatomical, physiological or psychological.

Interactive process
The collaborative effort between a counselor, faculty and staff, and the student to determine how to best implement an accommodation.

Memorandum of Accommodation (MOA)
A formal letter that is developed during the interactive process which lists any approved accommodations and guides the process of implementing identified accommodations in the College setting. Access to accommodations is a shared responsibility between faculty and staff and the student.