Interpreter Services

Welcome to 皇冠博彩’s Interpreter Services Office! This office provides an array of services, including Sign Language Interpreting, Cued Language Transliteration (CLT), and CART Captioning. Services are provided to students across all campuses to support communication access in the academic setting. Faculty, staff, and visitors can also request interpreters or CLTs to participate in college activities.

How to Request Services

One Time Event Request

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors requesting sign language interpreters or CART captions for a one-time event should submit a request using the one-time event request form.

One-Time Event Request Form

Access Your Profile

Students who require interpreting services in the classroom should log into their Accommodations Profile to request a Memorandum of Accommodation (MOA).

Access Your Profile

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is CART?

CART captions are real time captions (viewed on your laptop/computer) provided by a live remote captioner.

Who provides the CART microphone?

The Accommodations and Accessibility Office provides the CART microphone.

Will the captioner type everything I say?

The captioner will type everything they can hear.

When will I get my CART transcript?

You should receive your transcript, via email, within 24 hours after class.

Will a CART captioner take notes for me?

No, CART captioners do not take notes. You will receive a verbatim transcript of everything the CART captioner hears.

Will the captioner be in the classroom with me?

No. CART captions are provided remotely through the use of a microphone and a laptop computer. The student will bring the microphone to class and will be able to view CART captions on their laptop in real-time.

I want to show a DVD/VHS to my class but it doesn’t have captions. What do I do?

All media shown must be accessible to a student with a relevant MOA in place. The NVCC Library is an excellent resource for finding alternative media. For further assistance, please contact the Accommodations and Accessibility Department

I made a Youtube video. How do I add captions to it?

"Adding Captions to Youtube Videos" instructions are available on the Accommodations and Accessibility Services – Faculty and Staff Information webpage.

I made a video in Canvas Studio.  How do I add captions to it?

"Adding Captions Using Canvas Studio" instructions are available on the Accommodations and Accessibility Services – Faculty and Staff Information webpage.

I want to record my Zoom class and share the recording with the students. How do I caption this recording?

"Enabling Audio Transcripts in Zoom" instructions are available on the Accommodations and Accessibility Services – Faculty and Staff Information webpage.

Do I need to caption my event?

Yes, if you receive a request to provide captions as an accommodation. Captions can be requested here.
To make your Zoom event accessible to all, even without an accommodation request, please refer to “Universal Design – Initial Settings for Zoom” on the Accommodations and Accessibility Services – Faculty and Staff Information webpage.

I’m only going to show a short video clip – do I really need to caption it?

Yes. All media shown must be accessible to a student with a relevant MOA in place. Contact for assistance in captioning videos. The NVCC Library is an excellent resource for finding alternative (captioned) media.

What is a sign language interpreter?

A sign language interpreter is a highly trained professional who will come to your class or meeting to provide access to deaf or hard of hearing students or faculty members. The interpreter will sign everything they hear to the deaf person, and they will say aloud anything the deaf person signs.

Why do I have a sign language interpreter in my classroom?

A deaf or hard of hearing student has requested a sign language interpreter as an accommodation.  The purpose of having an interpreter in a class or meeting is to allow hearing, deaf and hard of hearing people equal access to information and interactions.  Please refer to the Interpreter Services website for more information.

Will the sign language interpreters sign everything I say (or say everything I sign?)

Yes.  Interpreters are ethically and legally bound to provide access to all speech, auditory sounds, and stimuli.

Who is responsible for making sure a student has a sign language interpreter?

The student is responsible for requesting accommodations through the Interpreter Services Office. If a student comes to you to request services, please refer them to the Interpreter Services Office at

Can I refuse to let the sign language interpreter into my classroom?

A student with a Memorandum of Accommodation (MOA) has the legal right to have an interpreter in all college settings. If, for any reason, you feel unsure about granting access to an interpreter or transliterator, please contact the Interpreter Services Office immediately at

Are sign language interpreters only for classes, or will they interpret other events, too?

Sign language interpreters are available, upon request, for any college sponsored event. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors requesting sign language interpreters for a one-time event should do so here:

Can I pick my interpreter?

You may request a specific interpreter; however, we cannot guarantee that the specific interpreter will be available for your assignment/event. 

How much time does it take to schedule a sign language interpreter?

It typically takes two to four weeks to schedule interpreters for semester long classes, and a minimum of two business days to schedule interpreters for one-time events/assignments.

Can sign language interpreters be added to my Canvas site?

Only NVCC faculty, staff and students can be added to Canvas sites. Many interpreters are contract employees and do not have NVCC credentials and therefore cannot be added to Canvas classes.

Do I need to be registered for classes before I can request a sign language interpreter?

No. Any person requiring access to NVCC may request an interpreter at any time. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors requesting sign language interpreters for a one-time event should do so here:

Where in the classroom will the interpreter stand or sit?

The speaker and interpreter should both be in the student's line of sight. You may ask the interpreter to move if need be. Make sure you do not stand between the interpreter and the deaf student.

Can I expect the same interpreter for each class?

You can typically expect to see the same interpreter for each class session.

How do I cancel an interpreter or captioner for a day?

Email the interpreters office at as soon as you are aware of the need for a cancellation.

If I extend or change my class/meeting time, can I expect the interpreter to stay late or come early?

No. Interpreters are assigned a set schedule at the beginning of the semester and may have other classes or duties before or after the assigned class or meeting time. Please let students know in advance of schedule changes, so that the student may request changes to interpreter services.

How do I turn on captions in Zoom?

"Enabling Live Transcription (Automatic Captions)" instructions are available on the Accommodations and Accessibility Services – Faculty and Staff Information webpage.

How do I let non-authenticated users (interpreters, captioners) into my Zoom class?

"Instructions to Disable Authenticated Users Only" are available on the Accommodations and Accessibility Services – Faculty and Staff Information webpage.

How do I create a recurring Zoom link?

"Instructions for Creating a Recurring Zoom Link for Canvas Classes" are available on the Accommodations and Accessibility Services – Faculty and Staff Information webpage.

I will have interpreters (or captioners) in my Zoom class – what do I do?

Read over "Universal Design – Initial Settings for Zoom" for instructions on the Accommodations and Accessibility Services – Faculty and Staff Information webpage to make your Zoom class accessible for deaf and hard of hearing students.

The Interpreter Services Office is asking me for a Zoom link to my class – why do I need to give the link to them?

Interpreters and captioners need access to your Zoom class to provide required accommodations to students. The Interpreter Services Office will distribute the link to the necessary interpreters/captioners.

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Interpreter Services